Setting Up Content Distribution to Personally Owned Devices

Personally owned devices do not report a serial number to Jamf Pro; therefore, you must assign App Store apps directly to users (user-based assignment) before distributing them to devices enrolled using Account-Driven User Enrollment or Profile-Driven User Enrollment.

You can distribute content to devices individually or use a mobile device smart group to distribute apps and books to all devices enrolled via Account-Driven User Enrollment or Profile-Driven User Enrollment.

Distributing apps and books to personally owned devices enrolled via User Enrollment involves the following steps in Jamf Pro:

  1. Automatically registering users who have Managed Apple IDs with volume purchasing

  2. Creating a volume assignment

  3. Creating a smart group for personally owned devices

  4. Distributing mobile devices apps and books to devices

Automatically Registering Managed Apple IDs with Volume Purchasing

Users with Managed Apple IDs can be automatically registered with volume purchasing without any end user interaction.

The Automatically register with volume purchasing if users have Managed Apple IDs checkbox must be selected for the volume location used to invite and assign content to users with Managed Apple IDs. For more information, see Volume Purchasing Integration.

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Users at the top of the sidebar.
  2. Click Smart User Groups in the sidebar.
  3. Click New .
  4. In the General pane, enter a Display Name, such as Managed Apple IDs.
  5. In the Criteria pane, add the following device criteria that includes all Managed Apple IDs in the smart group:
  6. Click Save .
  7. In Jamf Pro, click Users at the top of the sidebar.
  8. Click Invitations.
  9. In the General pane, enter a Display Name, such as Invitation for Managed Apple IDs.
  10. Choose Automatically register only users with Managed Apple IDs and skip invitation from the Distribution Method pop-up menu.
  11. In the Scope pane, add your smart group that contains Managed Apple IDs as a target for the invitation.
  12. Click Save .
Users with Managed Apple IDs are automatically registered with volume purchasing in Jamf Pro.

Creating a Volume Assignment

Create a volume assignment that assigns content to users.

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Users at the top of the sidebar.
  2. Click Volume Assignments in the sidebar.
  3. Click New .
  4. Use the General payload to configure basic settings for the volume assignment, including the location.

    The assignment is automatically added to the site that the location belongs to.

  5. Use the Apps and eBooks payloads to select the checkbox for each app and book you want to assign.

    If a recently purchased app or book is not displayed in the list, follow the steps in the Recently Purchased Volume Content is not Displayed in Jamf Pro article to add that app or book to the list.

  6. Click the Scope tab and configure the scope of the assignment.

    If the site of the location is changed at any point, users that do not belong to that location site are removed from the scope of the invitation.

    Best Practice:

    To assign volume content to personally owned devices that have a Managed Apple ID, use a smart group that contains devices with Managed Apple IDs and add it to the scope of your volume assignment.

  7. Click Save .

Creating a Smart Group for Personally Owned Devices

To help you distribute content to personally owned devices, create a mobile device smart group that includes all personally owned devices.

You can then configure the scope of distributed content in the following scenarios:

  • Use the smart group to target personally owned devices for user-assigned content.

  • Use the smart group to exclude personally owned devices from device-assigned content.

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Devices at the top of the sidebar.
  2. Click Smart Device Groups in the sidebar.
  3. Click New .
  4. In the General pane, enter a Display Name, such as Personally Owned Devices.
  5. In the Criteria pane, add the the Device Ownership Type criteria:
    Smart group for personally owned devices
  6. Click Save .
You can now use the smart group to help you distribute content to personally owned devices.

Distributing Content to Personally Owned Devices

Apps that are assigned to users via volume assignment in Jamf Pro can be distributed to the user's personal device.

Keep the following in mind when you distribute apps and books to personally owned devices:

  • Make sure the Make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged checkbox is deselected.

  • Jamf recommends distributing content with Jamf Self Service for iOS to devices enrolled via User Enrollment. To do this, make sure Make Available in Self Service is chosen from the Distribution Method pop-up menu. If you choose Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install and the user ignores the prompt, Jamf Pro prompts users every four hours or during the next inventory update.

  • If you distribute an app to both institutionally owned and personally owned devices in your environment, add two separate instances of the app in Jamf Pro: one for each distribution type. You can then use a smart group that includes personally owned devices to do the following:

    • Use the smart group to target personally owned devices for user-assigned content.

    • Use the smart group to exclude personally owned devices from device-assigned content.


Apps and books must be assigned to users, and the user must be registered with volume purchasing.

To distribute apps purchased in volume, see Apps Purchased in Volume in the Jamf Pro Documentation.

To distribute in-house apps, see In-House Apps in the Jamf Pro Documentation.

To install Self Service 10.10.1 or later on personally owned devices with iOS 13 or later or iPadOS 13 or later that are enrolled via User Enrollment, include the following in the app configuration: