Installing Jamf Pro Using the Installer

Installing Jamf Pro using the installer involves the following steps:

  1. Install the required software (if you haven’t already).

  2. Run the Jamf Pro Installer.

  3. Create the Jamf Pro database.

  4. Connect to the Jamf Pro server.

  5. (Optional) Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Java 11.

  6. Secure your Jamf Pro server.

Note: It is recommended that Jamf Pro be installed before the Jamf Pro database is created. The advantage is that the Jamf Pro Server Tools CLI is installed with the Jamf Pro installer. The Jamf Server Tools CLI simplifies the process of creating the database as opposed to creating the database manually. In addition, while the Jamf Pro database can be created and configured before Jamf Pro is installed, the Jamf Pro-to-MySQL connection information cannot be configured until after Jamf Pro is installed.

Note: If you are installing Jamf Pro on a server with macOS Server 5.x installed, the macOS Server Profile Manager service will not be accessible after the installation is complete.


Note: The Jamf Pro web app and the MySQL database can be installed on the same server or different servers. You may want to install the MySQL database on a different server if you have a larger environment that requires more resources. Additional configuration is required to implement this scenario. For more information, see Installing the Jamf Pro Web App and MySQL on Different Servers.

The server used to host Jamf Pro should meet the minimum requirements for operating system, Tomcat version, database configuration, and Java installation. For additional information on these Jamf Pro Server Environment requirements, see the Jamf Pro Release Notes for your version of Jamf Pro.

In addition, the following resources are recommended as the minimum allocation for a typical installation of Jamf Pro:


  • A 64-bit capable Intel processor

  • 8 GB of RAM

  • 150 GB of disk space available

  • Ports 8443 and 9006 available

Note: Each installation of Jamf Pro and its required services is unique, and requirements, such as Jamf Pro web app memory, may vary depending on your implementation. For information about allocating additional memory to the Jamf Pro web app, see Jamf Pro Web App Memory.

If you have questions regarding scaling your environment’s resources beyond the typical recommendations, contact Jamf Support.

Step 1: Install the Prerequisite Software

Java must be installed on the server where you will install Jamf Pro. MySQL must be installed on a server before you can create the Jamf Pro database.

For instructions, see the Installing Java and MySQL for Jamf Pro 10.14.0 or Later article.

Note: MySQL is not required to be installed on the same server as the Jamf Pro web application. For more information, see Clustering.

Step 2: Run the Jamf Pro Installer

The Jamf Pro Installer for Mac (Jamf Pro Installer.pkg) installs Apache Tomcat, the Jamf Pro web app, and Jamf Pro Server Tools.

To run the Jamf Pro Installer for Mac, copy it to the server. Then open the installer and follow the onscreen instructions.

Step 3: Create the Jamf Pro Database

You must create a MySQL database before you can use Jamf Pro. For instructions, see the Creating the Jamf Pro Database Using the Jamf Pro Server Tools Command-Line Interface article.

Step 4: Connect to the Jamf Pro Server

  1. Configure the database connection settings using Jamf Pro Server Tools GUI or CLI. For instructions, see the Editing the Database Connection Using Jamf Pro Server Tools article.

  2. Access Jamf Pro by opening a web browser and typing the protocol, IP address or hostname of the server, and port. For example:

    Note: Some web browsers may initially prevent access to Jamf Pro on port 8443 and may produce an "invalid certificate" error. If this error occurs, do the following:

    1. Enter your Jamf Pro server URL in the web browser's address bar using "http" and port 8080 (e.g., "").

    2. When prompted by the Jamf Pro setup assistant for the Jamf Pro URL, enter your Jamf Pro server URL using "https" and port 8443 (e.g.,

    You can begin using your Jamf Pro server URL to access Jamf Pro after you have uploaded a valid certificate and restarted Tomcat. For more information, see SSL Certificate in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

Step 5: (Optional) Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Java 11

If you are using the TLS 1.0 or 1.1 protocols in Java 11 for any existing workflows, it is recommended that you disable them since they are deprecated. For instructions, see the following article: Disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Java 11.

Step 6: Secure Your Jamf Pro Server

Secure your Jamf Pro server by following the recommendations in the Jamf Pro Security Recommendations article.

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