Packaging Files and Images with Composer

If you intend to use custom files or images in your Jamf Connect deployment, you can use Composer to package them. Create a package source by creating a folder on your computer where you want your custom files to be installed during Jamf Connect deployment, and then use drag-and-drop to create the new package source and build the package in Composer.

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Press Command-Shift-G to prompt a Finder search window.
  3. Enter the file path that you want to use to store your Jamf Connect files and images during deployment, and then click Go.

    Storing images and icons at /usr/local is recommended.

  4. Create a new folder in your chosen location.

    If creating the folder at /usr/local or another privileged space, you may be prompted to authenticate as an administrator to create the folder.

  5. Name the folder jamfconnect or something similar.
  6. Add your custom files and images to the folder.
  7. Open and authenticate to Composer, and then drag your created file from the Finder to Composer's sidebar.
    A new package source appears.
  8. Navigate to your Jamf Connect folder in Composer and configure the following ownership settings:
    1. Choose root (0) from the Owner pop-up menu.
    2. Choose wheel (0) from the Group pop-up menu.
    3. Click the Action button to the right of the X-column, and select Apply Owner and Group to jamfconnect and All Enclosed Items in the pop-up menu.
  9. For each file type in your folder, apply the following permissions:

    File Type


    Parent Folder


    Login window scripts

    Menu bar app scripts

  10. In the toolbar, click Build as PKG .
  11. Select a location to save the package and click Save.

Your PKG with Jamf Connect files and images can now be deployed using a policy or via the Enrollment Packages payload in a PreStage Enrollment with Jamf Pro 10.19.0 or later.


Packages must be signed using a certificate that is trusted by the computer at the time of enrollment. Signing the package with a certificate generated from either the Jamf Pro built-in CA or from an Apple Developer Program account is recommended.

Uploading a Package to Jamf Pro

You must upload the package of custom files for your deployment to Jamf Pro.


To upload a package to Jamf Pro, your principal distribution point must be a cloud distribution point.

For more information, see Cloud Distribution Point in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Settings in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. In the Computer Management section, click Packages .
  3. Click New .
  4. Use the General pane to configure basic settings for the package, including the display name and category.

    If you do not add the package to a category, Jamf Admin displays the package in blue text in the Unknown category.

  5. Click Upload Package and upload the PKG.
  6. Click the Options tab and configure additional settings for the package, including the priority.
  7. (Optional) Click the Limitations tab and configure limitations for the package, including operating system and architecture type requirements.
  8. Click Save .