Package Source PLIST Files

The Installer application uses information property list (info.plist) files and description property list (description.plist) files to display information about a package and determine how it is installed. Composer allows you to edit the most commonly used information in these files.

Editing the Info.plist File in a Package Source

Note: If you need to edit less commonly used key-values in the PLIST file, Control-click (or right-click) the file and click Edit Manually. This allows you to add or edit items in raw XML format.
  1. Click the disclosure triangle next to the package source in the sidebar.
  2. Click the disclosure triangle next to the Settings folder in the package source.
  3. Click the info.plist file.
  4. Edit any of the following key-values:
    • Enter a value in the Bundle Identifier field.


    • Enter a value in the Get Info String field.


    • Enter a semantic version number for the package in the version field.



    • Choose an option from the Restart Action pop-up menu to specify the reboot protocol for a package.

    • Choose an option from the Authorization Action pop-up menu to specify authorization requirements for the package.

    • Select the Root Volume Only checkbox to only allow the package to be installed on the root volume.

Editing the Description.plist File in a Package Source

The description.plist file allows you to define how a package presents itself in the Installer application. Each localization includes its own description.plist file that allows you to define a description title and description for a package based on the target language.

Note: If you need to edit less commonly used key-values in the PLIST file, Control-click (or right-click) the file and click Edit Manually. This allows you to add or edit items in raw XML format.
  1. Click the disclosure triangle next to the package source in the sidebar.
  2. Click the disclosure triangle next to the Settings folder in the package source.
  3. Click the disclosure triangle next to the localization folder you want to edit.
  4. Click the localization file and do the following:
    1. Enter a title in the Description Title field.
    2. Enter a description in the Description field.