Enabling Single Sign-On in Jamf Pro
The Single Sign-On (SSO) feature allows you to integrate with a third-party Identity Provider (IdP) and implement SSO for portions of Jamf Pro. When SSO is enabled, users are automatically redirected to the Identity Provider login page. After successful authentication, users are directed back to the URL they were attempting to log into.
You must complete an SSO integration with Jamf Pro in order to use SSO authentication as part of an Enrollment Customization configuration that passes user information to Jamf Connect.
To enable SSO, you need the following:
A Jamf Connect-supported Identity Provider (IdP) that can use SAML 2.0 protocols
Jamf Pro user accounts or groups that have matching identity provider usernames or groups
User with administrator privileges to Jamf Pro and the Identity Provider
Related Information
For related information about configuring SSO with Jamf Pro, see the Single Sign-On page in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.
See the following Knowledge Base articles for recommended workflows during Identity Provider configuration:
For information on configuring SSO with Azure AD, see the following documentation from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/saas-apps/jamfprosamlconnector-tutorial