Upgrading the Jamf AD CS Connector

  1. Log in to your Jamf AD CS Connector server as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. Ensure the required version of Microsoft .NET Framework is installed on your server. See General Requirements.
  3. Log in to Jamf Account.
  4. Navigate to Products > Other Products > Jamf AD CS Connector and click Download for Windows.
  5. Navigate to the folder that contains the previous version of the Jamf AD CS Connector (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\adcsproxy), back up the contents, and then delete the contents.
  6. Locate the adcs.zip file within the ADCS Connector.zip archive downloaded from Jamf Account, and extract its contents to your IIS app folder (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\adcsproxy).
  7. Ensure the Jamf AD CS Connector has the correct permissions on the issuing certificate authority server:
    1. Log in to the CA server.
    2. Open the "certsrv" application.
    3. Right-click the CA, and select Properties.
    4. Click the Security tab.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Add the computer name of the Jamf AD CS Connector if it is not already listed in "Groups and user names".
    7. Ensure the Issue and Manage Certificates permission is allowed for the Jamf AD CS Connector computer name.
    8. Click OK.