Manual Enrollment with an Enrollment URL


To deploy devices using manual enrollment and a static enrollment URL, you need:

  • Jamf Pro 9.82 or later

  • iOS devices supported by Apple Configurator 2

  • A Mac with Apple Configurator 2 installed

To deploy devices using manual enrollment and a dynamic enrollment URL, you need:

  • Jamf Pro 9.96 or later

  • iOS devices supported by Apple Configurator 2

  • A Mac with Apple Configurator 2 installed

  • An SMTP server set up in Jamf Pro

For detailed Apple Configurator 2 requirements, see Requirements in Apple's Help documentation.

For information on static and dynamic Apple Configurator 2 enrollment URLs, see Apple Configurator Enrollment Settings in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

Apple Configurator 2.5 or later allows you to add devices with iOS 11 or later to an Apple Device Enrollment Program. For more information, see the "Manually add devices to the Device Enrollment Program (part of Apple School Manager and Apple Deployment Programs)" on the Prepare devices manually page in Apple's Help documentation.

Deploy Devices Using Manual Enrollment with an Enrollment URL

  1. In Jamf Pro, enable the Apple Configurator enrollment method(s) you intend to use.
    See Apple Configurator Enrollment Settings in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

  2. If you are enrolling via a dynamic URL, use an enrollment invitation to generate and view the enrollment URL or send it to the person operating the Apple Configurator workstation.
    See "Viewing or Sending a Dynamic Apple Configurator Enrollment URL via a Mobile Device Enrollment Invitation" on the Apple Configurator Enrollment Settings page in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

  3. Make sure a supervision identity is in Jamf Pro and on Apple Configurator 2 workstations.

  4. In Apple Configurator 2, add the enrollment URL for Jamf Pro to the MDM server preferences.

    • If you are enrolling via the static URL, enter the static Apple Configurator enrollment URL for Jamf Pro.
      The static Apple Configurator enrollment URL for Jamf Pro is the URL for Jamf Pro followed by “/configuratorenroll”. For example, "".

    • If you are enrolling via dynamic URL, the enrollment URL is available in Jamf Pro or in the email or SMS message sent via the enrollment invitation, depending on whether you chose to view or send the URL.
      See Mobile device management server preferences in Apple's Help documentation.

  5. If users will not connect to a network independently, create a Wi-Fi configuration profile.
    See Create and edit configuration profiles in Apple's Help documentation.

  6. Create a blueprint that will be used to apply the profile and enroll devices with Jamf Pro.
    See About Blueprints in Apple's Help documentation.

  7. Modify the device information for the blueprint if desired.
    See Modify device information in Apple's Help documentation.

  8. Prepare the blueprint:
    See Prepare devices manually in Apple's Help documentation.

    1. Choose "Manual Configuration" from the Prepare with pop-up menu.

    2. (Optional) Select the Add to Device Enrollment Program chekbox if you want to manually add to your DEP instance the devices (iOS 11 or later) that were not purchased directly from Apple, an Apple Authorized Reseller, or an authorized cellular carrier. The Activate and complete enrollment checkbox is selected by default. Use this setting for an existing device that has a record in, and is managed by, Jamf Pro. When you deselect the checkbox, after the blueprint is applied, the device is left at the Setup Assistant, and the end user needs to complete the enrollment.

    3. Select Jamf Pro as the MDM solution.

    4. (Optional) Sign in to the Device Enrollment Program. Use the Apple ID that allows you to manage devices in your DEP instance.

    5. Choose the supervision identity.

    6. Select which steps in the iOS Setup Assistant to skip.

  9. If you created a Wi-Fi profile, add the Wi-Fi profile to the blueprint.
    See Add or remove configuration profiles in Apple's Help documentation.

  10. Connect devices to the Apple Configurator 2 workstation using a USB cable.

  11. Apply the blueprint.
    See About Blueprints in Apple's Help documentation.

The devices are configured with the settings in the blueprint and enrolled with Jamf Pro.

Note: If you receive the "The cloud configuration server is unavailable or busy. [MCCloudConfigErrorDomain – 0x80EF (33007)]" error message, your device is not eligible to be added to your organization's DEP. For example, the device is already enrolled in a different DEP instance.

Further Considerations

When you add an iOS device to DEP using Apple Configurator, the end user has a 30-day provisional period to remove the device from enrollment, supervision, and management. The 30-day provisional period begins after the device is activated. During that period, the end user will see a banner on the lock screen notifying them of the updated remote management state and will be able to remove the management profile in Settings > Device Management > Profile. After 30 days, opting out of remote management will not be possible.

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