Manual Enrollment with an Enrollment Profile


To deploy devices using manual enrollment and an enrollment profile, you need:

  • Jamf Pro 9.82 or later

  • iOS devices supported by Apple Configurator 2

  • A Mac with Apple Configurator 2 installed

For detailed Apple Configurator 2 requirements, see Requirements in Apple's Help documentation.

Create an Enrollment Profile

  1. In Jamf Pro, create an enrollment profile.
    See "Creating an Enrollment Profile for Use with Apple Configurator" on the Enrollment Profiles page in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

  2. Download the trust profile (Trust Profile.mobileconfig) from Jamf Pro.
    See "Downloading the Trust Profile" on the Enrollment Profiles page in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

  3. Download the enrollment profile (<Nameofprofile>.mobileconfig) from Jamf Pro.
    See "Downloading an Enrollment Profile" on the Enrollment Profiles page in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.

Create and Upload the Supervision Identity

Make sure a supervision identity is in Jamf Pro and on Apple Configurator 2 workstations.

Create the "Prepare" Blueprint

The "Prepare" blueprint will be used to apply a Wi-Fi configuration profile and the supervision identity.

  1. In Apple Configurator 2, create a Wi-Fi configuration profile.
    See Create and edit configuration profiles in Apple's Help documentation.

  2. Create a blueprint and name it "Prepare".
    See About Blueprints in Apple's Help documentation.

  3. Modify the device information for the blueprint if desired.
    See Modify device information in Apple's Help documentation.

  4. Prepare the blueprint:
    See Prepare devices manually in Apple's Help documentation.

    1. Choose "Manual Configuration" from the Prepare with pop-up menu.

    2. Choose "Do not Enroll in MDM" from the Server pop-up menu.
      Devices will be enrolled with Jamf Pro through the enrollment profile, not the blueprint.

    3. Select your supervision options and choose a supervision identity.

    4. Select which steps in the iOS Setup Assistant to skip.

  5. Add the Wi-Fi profile to the blueprint.
    See Add or remove configuration profiles in Apple's Help documentation.

  6. Add the trust profile (Trust Profile.mobileconfig) to the blueprint.

Create the "Enroll" Blueprint

The "Enroll" blueprint will be used to enroll devices with Jamf Pro by installing the trust profile and the enrollment profile.

  1. Create a blueprint and name it "Enroll".
    See About Blueprints in Apple's Help documentation.

  2. Add the enrollment profile (<Nameofprofile>.mobileconfig) to the blueprint.
    See Add or remove configuration profiles in Apple's Help documentation.

Note: Do not prepare this profile.

Deploy Devices Using Manual Enrollment with an Enrollment Profile

  1. Connect devices to the Apple Configurator 2 workstation using a USB cable.

  2. Apply the "Prepare" blueprint to the devices.
    See About Blueprints in Apple's Help documentation.

  3. Apply the "Enroll" blueprint to the devices.

The devices are first configured with the settings in the "Prepare" blueprint. Then they are enrolled with Jamf Pro using the "Enroll" blueprint.

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