
You can use the technologies in Jamf Pro 10.19.0 or later to manage the settings for computer applications in your environment. You can store lists of manageable settings for a variety of apps in Jamf Pro and distribute the settings to computers that are enrolled with Jamf Pro. These settings can be edited within the Jamf Pro interface and re-distributed as needed. For example, you can customize the background image of Jamf Connect so your users are presented with a familiar look and feel.

Before you can manage your app using Jamf Pro and an app manifest, you must first create or obtain the structured data (a manifest in JSON Schema format) for the app. You can add this manifest to Jamf Pro, and Jamf Pro processes this manifest to dynamically generate the property list (key-value pairs) in the interface. This allows you to customize the values directly in the Jamf Pro interface. You can then use Jamf Pro to distribute the settings to the target computers.

After you create or obtain the manifest, you can complete the entire process of managing your app using the Applications & Custom Settings payload (previously called "Custom Settings") in computer configuration profiles in Jamf Pro. This process looks similar to the following:

  1. Create a computer configuration profile with an Applications & Custom Settings payload.

  2. Add the JSON Schema for your app to the payload.

  3. Customize the app using any of the dynamically populated settings in the Jamf Pro interface.

  4. Distribute the settings using the configuration profile.

Note: It is recommended that you distribute your app and the custom settings for your app concurrently.

When you save the profile, Jamf Pro automatically converts the key-value pairs you customized for the app to the appropriate format needed for a configuration profile.

Sample JSON Schema Manifest

This workflow contains instructions for customizing a sample app called "Disk Manager". Adding the JSON Schema manifest for this app to Jamf Pro demonstrates the variety of properties that Jamf Pro can populate to enable you to customize your app using the Jamf Pro interface.

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