Renewing a DigiCert Certificate
You can only renew DigiCert certificates that use a SCEP payload in their configuration profile. DigiCert certificates that use the Certificate payload in their configuration profile cannot be renewed.
Log in to Jamf Pro.
In the top-right corner of the page, click Settings
Click Global Management.
Click PKI Certificates
In the row for the DigiCert certificates, click the number in the Expiring, Active, Inactive, or All column to view a list of the certificates.
Click the certificate in the Certificate Subject column you want to renew.
At the bottom of the page, click the configuration profile that is associated with the certificate.
Click the SCEP payload.
Click Edit
In the Redistribute Profile field, click the pop-up menu, and then select the number of days before the SCEP-issued certificate expiration date that you want the configuration profile to be r edistributed automatically. Configuring this option adds “$PROFILE_IDENTIFIER” to the Subject field.
Click Save