Refreshing DigiCert Certificate Status
The status of a certificate is automatically refreshed when the certificate is issued or any time Jamf Pro makes a request to the CA related to that certificate.
You can also manually refresh the status of a DigiCert certificate in Jamf Pro. When you refresh certificate status, the Jamf Pro server communicates with DigiCert as an RA, finds the serial number, requests the status, then reports the status details of the certificate. T he Jamf Pro server also evaluates the deployment status of the certificate based on the configuration profile relationships and the certificate inventory reported by managed computers and mobile devices.
Log in to Jamf Pro.
In the top-right corner of the page, click Settings
Click Global Management.
Click PKI Certificates
To view a list of expiring, active, inactive, or all certificates, click the number displayed in the corresponding column on the Certificate Authorities pane.
A list of certificates issued by DigiCert is displayed. -
Click on the certificate subject of the certificate you want to view.
Information about the certificate is displayed. -
To refresh the certificate status, click Refresh Certificate Status.
The certificates status details are updated onscreen.