Reporting on Code42 CrashPlan App Usage
After deploying Code42 CrashPlan, you can create and save an advanced computer search to report on computers that have Code42 CrashPlan installed.
Log in to the JSS with a web browser.
Click Computers at the top of the page.
Click Search Inventory.
On a smartphone or iPod touch, this option is in the pop-up menu. -
Click New
Select the Save this Search checkbox.
On the Search pane, enter a display name for the search.
Click the Criteria tab.
Click Add
Click Choose for “All Criteria“, and then click Choose for “Application Title”.
Type “Code42 CrashPlan“ in the Value field.
Click Save.
The results of a saved search are updated each time computers check in with the JSS and meet or fail to meet the specialized search criteria. To view the search results, click View.