Module 2: Lessons


Build lessons in Jamf Teacher.


Key Points

  • Lessons are used for determining the device experience for students.

  • Multiple lessons can be configured and used for different classes and lectures.

  • The Lesson Template will help with lesson planning.

    • Determine the apps students will need access to.

    • Add any website links pertinent to the lesson.

    • Choose if any device functionality should be disabled.

  • Create the lesson in the Jamf Teacher app.

    • Use the template to guide you.

  • Practice building a few more lessons to get the hang of it.


  1. How are lessons in Jamf Teacher used?

  2. Why is it important to consider adding apps, like your school's video conferencing app and Jamf Student, to all remote lessons?

  3. Which websites will devices have access to if "Lock in these websites" is toggled on?


Jamf Teacher Guide for Teachers - Creating Lessons
Jamf - Lesson Template

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